Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to update an outlet

Warning : Before attempting this project please be sure to cut the power off to the outlet you will be working on at the breaker box!!! Then with a voltage tester ,test your outlet to see if the power is off,if it is the tester should be silent.

Step one: Remove face plate and mounting screws from old outlet
Step two: Pull outlet out of the wall and take note where the colored wires are placed (black with black ,white with white,and ground with ground)
Step three: unscrew the wires one side at a time using a phillips screwdriver and unhook the wires using a pair of needle nose pliers,then unhook the ground wire as well
Step four: With the new outlet in hand take note at the screws on the sides of the outlet,the copper side is where the black (hot wires) will be connected .The white (common wires) will be connected on the other side. Connect them using your pliers. Then connect your ground wire to the ground screw usually located at the bottom of the outlet on the common wire side.
Step five: Carefully put the the new outlet back into the wall,screw in the mounting screws and install a new face plate. Turn the power back on at the breaker box and with your voltage tester ,test to see if the outlet is hot,if so your tester should beep

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 3 b.

Step 4.

Step 5.

Step 5 b.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Clogged Drain???

Found this link to be helpful ,pretty much covers how to uncloge any drain type in your home.
 And honestly this will sound stupid but the best thing i have ever bought to help with small clogs in the sink or even shower was the "as seen on tv" turbo snake . Bought it actually thinking it wouldnt work ,like most as seen on tv stuff . But i used it for my shower that was draining slow,and well lets just say i pulled a wookie out of my shower drain lol .
Take it from me invest in the Turbo Snake!
Thanks for reading!